Sunday, July 20, 2008

CSA Pickup #5

I regret to share with all two of you that blog readership seems to have sunk to an all time low of two people. It's true, I haven't been posting or posting enough pictures, so there's no one to blame but myself. However, not only is Libby's camera fixed, Matt got me a brand new camera of my own for a birthday present, so expect an overflow of pictures in the not too distant future. In the immediate future, I'm in Cape Cod for about two weeks, in houses not my own. I will post when I can, but it might be more along the lines of 'Hey, look at that huge lobster!' than 'hey, what an amazing loaf of bread.' It's just too hot, and my aunt has recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, which cuts down on possibilities.

However, for those of you who just can't live without knowing what we're getting from the farm, here it is after the jump.

Libby & Rob did the pickup this week, so I didn't take pictures, but from memory and from the farmer's email, here is what we got:

Two heads of red lettuce, yellow and green zucchini squashes, scallions, cucumbers, sweet Italian frying peppers, tiny red beets, kale, and broccoli.

I fried the yellow squash Edna Lewis' way with a slightly bigger squash she refers to as a cymling (white pattypan). You just put it in a bunch of oil in a cast iron pan and leave it to fry covered for about ten minutes, and then uncovered for another twelve. Then you add salt, pepper, and a little sugar. It was delicious, though the yellow squash cooked much faster than the cymling, next time I'd do them separately. I also cooked the broccoli and beet greens and some leftover lambs quarters using Deborah Madison's recipe for broccoli and broccoli rabe from Local Flavors.


Leora said...

Hello! I do read your blog, but I think this is only the second comment I've left. Yeah, posts with food photos are more interesting than not, but if you can't, you can't...

Just to let you know I enjoy reading.

Anonymous said...

I still read you! I have your blog in my RSS reader. Keep posting!

Catherine said...

i'm reading too!!!!

Miriam said...

hello, i miss you! apparently chile is the top bread consumer in the world. love, miriam