First of all, a bone to pick with the name of these cookies. Not only is it a bit too cute for me (there's no need for all this 'chippers', and 'chipsters' nonsense, people), but there's simply no sense in a cookie name that takes longer to say than the cookie takes to eat.
All in all, these were very similar to the Mrs. Fields-style oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I make on a regular basis, the major tweaks being the addition of a cup of peanut butter, a few spoons of cinnamon, and the omission of a popular step wherein some chocolate is blended with most of the oats into a cocoa-colored coarse oat flour.
They were very nice. Not my favorite ever, but pleasant, well-received (I put them out at Libby & Rob's going away party), and effortless. I got to use Ellen's big fancy KitchenAid mixer, which was fun.
Here is Libby in her mother's well-loved dream kitchen, slowly built over the years.
I misspent half my youth in this kitchen, and it's so interesting to cook in it now and see just how many of my ideas of how I'd like my kitchen to be must have come from it.
I'd like to second the motion to change the name of these things. Seriously, Dorie.
I love Ellen's kitchen. It is such social place and just flows into the rest of the house. The cookies look great, I wish I was able to make it back! I think my parents made it though.
Luke, I saw your parents, asked them to pass on my greetings, but this is probably the faster way! It was full-on Northampton usual suspects mode. As Libby said, now I guess we're grown up when we have all our parties with our parents.
HAhahah I totally agree about changing the name! WAY too cutesy!
Glad you liked them!
I agree that these were fine, but not amazing. Ah well.
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