I feel like maybe I missed something with this recipe. I wish the book had had a picture so I could have had a clearer idea of what Dorie was thinking. They were just scone-type things made with a cookie method (butter and sugar rather than butter into flour). Underwhelming. That's cranberry jam in them, if you care.
They were definitely a very simple cookie - maybe if you snuck a little bit of jam into the center of them you'd like them better? Or if you just think of them like scones - cookies for breakfast!
I like comparison to scones, which I love. Maybe if I used some of my favorite scone ingredients they would come out more to my liking. Hmmmmmm ... now I may have to try these again!
Yes, they were scone-like. But I have better scone recipes, and these were advertised as cookie. Hence my confusion. I see from the blogroll that there was a lot of textural variation--maybe if I adjusted the jam amounts or butter temperature I would get something I preferred. Or I could just make scones.
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