Or a caramel lemon cacao nut crust...
At any rate, the butter content clearly led them to discern my essential trustworthiness, because a few weeks later, they brought a gift down for me.
To be fair, they took her back in a couple of hours, but it was good while it lasted. Much like the sticky buns. They also brought me some dumplings, which are still residing in the freezer to comfort me.
The gold star, of course, goes to upstairs neighbor Clarence's father, who, when the butter content went unrevealed, suggested that he should probably butter them before eating.
you got creative with the fillings / toppings. Well done on the lovely buns!
Great photography! Your sticky buns look very yummy, wish I was your neighbor! What a cute little baby, all of that hair!
Awww. A couple of hours with a little one for a some sticky rolls. Sounds like a fair trade to me :-)
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