I've been falling behind on the CSA blogging a bit here. The bad news is, it's not going to get much better, as I'll be out of town for most of August, and haven't really lined up a guest CSA blogger. The good news is, that in addition to having lovely pictures of this week's take, I'll be blogging most of New England at one of the loveliest times of the year. So don't cry.
Our CSA commitment includes the obligation to help out with the distributions, but because the CSA is large, we only have to take two short shifts, (one for a half share). I usu
ally wind up with the setup shift, which consists largely of hauling rubbermaid containers out the back door of a school and onto a truck, and hauling produce packed in same back to the school cafeteria. Last year, both of those shifts were a little tough because the delivery truck was up to an hour late. This time, the delivery was prompt, volunteers and site coordinator were organized, and everything went smoothly. I even got to meet my fellow CSA blogger, Joanna of 'Cozy Josie'.

Pictured above is the whole share. After Jon took his cut, we were left with:
1/2 head lettuce
3 new potatoes
1 asian long cucumber
1 regular cucumber
3 red turnips
1 white turnip
1 head bok choy
1 head kohlrabi
Fingers crossed that Windflower Farm escapes the tomato/potato blight--I'm sure I'm not the only one finding this terrifying. Are we in the deep midst of a series of worsening agricultural plagues here, or am I just seeing these things for the first time because I started paying attention. Probably a bit of both. This is among the things that give me nightmares, although I have to admit that school papers are far higher on the list.
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