For the fruits, I used peaches and shiro plums from the farmers market, sprinkled with the last remaining blueberries from a huge Trader Joe's pack. The TJ blueberries weren't that great, but they did make up for it a bit in quantity, and cooked they just melted right into the plums and were great.
This was an easy cake to eat, a breakfast lunch and dinner cake, although Matt didn't seem that interested in helping me to eat it, so after a day or two on the counter I found the last quarter moldy.
Ohhh it worked with peaches? Makig a note for the next time that Tom begs me for a fruit cake.
I like your pattern too!
Oh wow, thats looks great! Surprised to hear about the TJ fruit - I've not had anything from them that wasnt great but Ive not had the blueberries so I will steer clear. Thanks for the heads up on that
To be fair, Tracy, the blueberries were ok. There was nothing wrong with them per se, other than that there were cartons of very local, VERY flavorful berries being sold at the nearby farmers market. There are blueberries and there are blueberries, and the TJs ones were a bit more on the cardboard side than some.
great idea with peaches!
Peaches are a great idea!
peaches would be awesome, and what a bummer the last bit of the cake got moldy! i do agree it was a perfect breakfast, lunch, and dinner cake.
Yours looks nice - i like the idea of other fruits like peaches, mangoes, etc. This is such a simple cake to do any time.
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