The winds of winter. So long anticipated, so long delayed. George R. R. Martin may not be on schedule (since when does genius follow a schedule?), and neither may I, but winter has come nonetheless, and up in the frozen northland of Western MA, I made a tart.

My mother's strainer was broken, so I strained the lemon curd through a coffee filter, which led to some stiff whisking and some loss of curd, not to mention some interesting shapes and patterns.

The final tart, of which I only got a blurry shot, wasn't the tidiest, but it was interesting. Mom's verdict: "Tres tasty. Melts in your mouth. Very festive." Dad claimed I'd outdone myself. They don't get too many sweets...
Great post! Improvising with one of Rose's recipes is not for the faint of heart so you get extra bonus points! Regardless, it turned out quite pretty. Your folks sound wonderful.
"It was a tart who prepared." i hear your dogwhistle. xo
i love what your parents said. and you were very brave to improvise as you did. the filling looks very artistic!
I am still yet again late. I am usin frozen cranberries. Should I drain them after defrosting? Concerned w too much liquid. Also did anyone add more sugar at all?
What lovely parents! And a nice looking tart too.
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